Sea turtle nesting season wrappng up

Sea turle nesting season is waning. Our friends at Sebastian Inlet State Park report no new nests in September, save for a few "false" crawls.. As of October 1, officials report a total of 1,111 nest on the three-mile stretch of beach that runs north and south of Sebastian Inlet.
Survey teams have identified in total:
- 825 Loggerhead sea turtle nests
- 278 Green sea turtle nests
- 8 Leatherback sea turtle nests
The Sebastian Inlet District works in tandem with park officials and employs biologists from Ecological Associates, Inc. (EAI) to conduct daily surveys on the beaches just North and South of the Sebastian Inlet –efforts began on March 1 and will continue through the end of the nesting season in October. To read more about our ongoing work with EAI, visit HERE.