Week of October 11: Fishing is still slow, but pompano a possibility

Today’s forecast calls for mostly sunny skies with a high of 83 degrees. East-southeast winds becoming east by noon, 6-8 mph, waves 2-3 feet.
Temperatures have dropped a couple of degrees, down from 85 to 82, which means at least you’ll be more comfortable while waiting for a bite. And you might be waiting longer than usual, says our intrepid fishing guide, “Snookman” Wayne Landry.
“Fishing is still slow at the North Jetty, except for some small mangrove snapper and possible slot-size redfish being caught on smaller live bait,” Wayne says. “More mullet showed up over the weekend, bringing some nice sized jack crevalle, along with some larger snook, over slot sized in the ‘pocket’ area (north side of the Inlet where the edge of the surf meets the base of the north jetty fishing pier).”
With the water cooling down, Wayne says he saw quite a few small pompanos caught Sunday on cut shrimp on the ocean side high tide. “Hopefully some bigger ones start coming down,” he adds.
At the South Jetty, schools of finger mullet are showing up, he adds, and on the incoming high tide — all along the wall and inside jetty — small, possible slot-sized redfish are being caught, along with jack crevalles, undersized snook and small snapper. Wayne also saw some ladyfish caught as well.
Surf fishing is slow, due to the swell causing cloudy water and rough conditions, “but if you find clean water and some baitfish, snook and tarpon are still possible in the area,” he says. Whiting, catfish and some small pompano are a possibility with shrimp and cut baits.
At the T-dock area, Wayne saw anglers hooking various snapper species (mangrove, vermilions, muttons), but most were too small to keep.
“I also saw a couple small black grouper caught along the rock areas adjacent to the dock, too small to keep as well,” he says. “Jacks are also around chasing finger mullet to keep things active back there. Fall is in the air, with the nice breezes and somewhat cooler temps, so go out and catch some fish! Tight Lines, everyone.”
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