Week of May 11: Fishing Report Message from Sebastian Inlet Bait & Tackle

With Sebastian Inlet State Park starting a phased reopening, we hope to resume regular fishing reports.
A special thanks to Bill Russell for sending in photos from his trip offshore last Tuesday, and for dedicating his time to taking people out deep sea fishing who otherwise would not have the
Our featured anglers of the week are brothers Andrew and Tyler. It was Tyler's first time fishing, and Bill tells us it was awesome, and "the smiles on Andrew and Tyler's faces is worth millions, just great kids and fishing friends". Tyler is pictured here with a sea bass and his big brother
Andrew reeled in a reef shark. Way to go guys!

We also want to share the following message from our friends Sarah and Tommy at Sebastian Inlet Bait & Tackle:
"To our valued patrons, we are now open and in an effort to keep our customers safe, we have retrofitted the bait shop for Covid19. While things may look a little different, our services and goods remain the same as our valued customers have come to know over the past 25 years. We politely ask for your patience and understanding as we all tread these new waters. We so look forward to seeing all our old friends and family of the inlet. On a positive note, the fish had no clue. They're biting. Come on back, bring your kindness and patience, and your rod and reel. Stay safe out there!"