Week of February 10: N. Jetty Action has been G-R-E-A-T!

With the glorious weather this past weekend, anglers have been out on the North Jetty reporting all kinds of action and Tommy at Sebastian Inlet Bait & Tackle said things have been hopping!
Snook are hitting live shrimp, your top water lures and on bucktail. Anglers have been catching Redfish, Black Drum, Bluefish and Pompano. Sheepshead can be found off the North Jetty, but also throughout the inlet system and they’re hitting on shrimp, clams and sandfleas. Try the same bait for Black Drum. For Pompano try bucktail jigs or live shrimp.
Check out this massive Redfish caught by our featured angler of the week - Zach C. That’s a nice looking Red, Zach! Fishing from the N. Jetty in mid-January there were lots of over slot Redfish and Black Drum being caught with live shrimp as the bait of choice.
Just a friendly reminder to follow FWC’s best practice for catch and release when your fish is over/under slot to preserve our fisheries for generations to come. Here are the FWC size and bag limits:
Size limit: Between 28”-32”
Bag limit: 1 per angler
Black Drum
Size limit: 14”-24”
Bag limit: 5 per angler
Size limit: 12” minimum
Bag limit: 8 per angler
Redfish (Red Drum)
Size limit: 18”-27”
Bag limit: 1 per angler
Size limit: 12” minimum
Bag limit: 10 per angler
Size limit: 11” minimum
Bag limit: 6 per angler
NOAA’s calling for predominant S/SE winds all week up to 15 knots with 3-4 foot seas. Looks like the sunshine is expected all week with temps starting in the mid-60s going up to the 80s through Thursday. Slightly cooler temps for Friday into next weekend with highs in the 70s. This is the ideal time of year to be out there so go when you can!
If you want to be feature as our angler of the week, use the Contact Form to send us the details of your catch with photos (horizontal and vertical, please). Have a great week!