May 8: Unseasonably cool water and high winds, but you may see pompano, jacks, sea trout

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Today's forecast calls for sunny skies and a high of 79 degrees, E winds at 11 mph and three to four-foot waves.
Our fishing guide, "Snookman" Wayne Landry gives us the scoop:
“Good morning, all you beach and fishing fanatics. The weather was nice except for the relentless winds onshore that kept things a mess at our fishing hole, Sebastian Inlet. Not much has changed from last week’s report. The water last week calmed down a lot, but it never cleaned up much before the brisky ESE winds picked up and kept it dirty and sandy.
On Sunday, the inlet resembled the Mississippi river! Last week, when I was down and talked to the regulars, the fishing was slow, including this past weekend. The water temperature has cooled down again along the coast — 76 degrees When it should be in the 80s and clean — but it's not nearly what we need. At least there are fish being caught, but not in any numbers, and not in anywhere in particular. Also, there are still quite a few finger mullet coming down the beach and into the inlet, so there is some action there. The glass minnows are starting to show up a little around the rocky shoreline and the jetty pilings and t-dock, and the mojarras are starting to become easier to find. To that end, here’s the breakdown.
North jetty: Last week when we had at least one good day of somewhat clean water, there were a few nice pompano caught on the beachside of the jetty on live sandfleas if you could find some; if not, fresh cut shrimp works. Also mixed in were a couple nice whiting, too. The snook bite was largely absent on the jetty: a few were hooked on the tip on the outgoing tide on live mullet, but were too big and broke off. Boaters were catching a few, but they looked too big to keep, and they were far out. Some jack crevalles and small bluefish made up the remainder of the species being caught over here. Fishing was also slow along the rock seawall between the jetty and catwalk due to the massive sandbar that formed inside, making the water very shallow.
South jetty: Over here, same thing. Slow, but if you catch the incoming tide with a bit of clean water you might find some snook. Most are undersized, but slots are being caught — you have to put in some time and be at the right place at the right time. Large live shrimp and live mojarras are the best bait. I also saw spotted seatrout being caught. See the photo at the top of my report of my friend Erica the ‘Snook Queen’ with a nice 19 to 20-inch fish she got Monday morning on live shrimp. The outgoing tide at the tip is producing all the common fish, spot tail pins, black margates and blue runners, just not in the numbers as usual due to the dirty water.
South catwalk: This area has also been pretty slow due to the dirty water. They are catching some black margates and spot tail pins, just not in any numbers like usual.
T-Dock area The fishing has been just a tad better as the water hasn't been so dirty. Some nice snook are being caught on the incoming and very first of the outgoing tide on live mojarras. Also in the mix: catch-and-release redfish to keep it interesting. Small baitfish are all around the dock pilings and have attracted some small mangrove snappers, but they are too small to keep. Spanish mackerel might be a possibility on small jigs on both tides due to the minnows being around.
Surf Area, both sides: Last week, while the winds were offshore, seas were down and you could find clean water, there were reports of pompano and whiting caught. Sand fleas and cut shrimp were the baits of choice. Then the winds changed and went ESE and blew it all out.
This week, expect sunny skies but more wind. Grab your fishing gear and hope for clean water and fish it hard! You never know when you will find some fish! Good luck, tight lines.” —Snookman.