Important Notice: Sebastian Inlet State Park Open, but North Jetty Remains Closed

As of today, Sebastian Inlet State Park officials have opened both the North and South sides of the Park after completing appropriate damage and safety assessments following Hurricane Dorian.
The North Jetty remains CLOSED with some visible damage and pending a structural assessment by engineers to deem it safe for the public.
Prior to the storm, Sebastian Inlet District conducted pre-site surveys and in partnership with Florida Institute of Technology, 2,000 feet of beaches to the North and South of the inlet were surveyed for comparison purposes. The District’s submerged wave and weather gauge collected data for analysis by FIT’s Coastal Engineering and Marine Sciences Department. Surveys of all important infrastructure at the inlet including the jetties and shorelines were also conducted in partnership with State Park officials. Yesterday, District and State Park officials conducted a joint post-storm survey noting damage incurred by Hurricane Dorian. Check back here or on our Facebook page for more updates.
Posted: 9/6/2019